Bhumi Pednekar, a versatile actor best known for her roles in movies like Dum Laga ke Haisha, Toilet – Ek Prem Katha and Shubh Mangal Savdhaan, has announced in her Instagram post that she has gone vegetarian. With this decision, she has joined the vegetarian and vegan club of Bollywood that includes actors like Anushka Sharma, Shraddha Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Shilpa Shetty, Shahid Kapoor and John Abraham.
In her post, Bhumi said that she had been wanting to go vegetarian for a long time but it was difficult for her as she was used to a non-vegetarian diet. She added that it was her journey with Climate Warrior that helped her switch to this new lifestyle. “My journey with Climate Warrior taught me a lot. It made me more compassionate towards other species and made me more humble. Eating meat just doesn’t feel good anymore,” she wrote.
Bhumi received applause by her fans and other celebrities on the post. Anushka Sharma and Shraddha Kapoor welcomed Pednekar’s decision.
The trend towards vegetarianism and veganism is picking up very fast as people are now realising the ill-effects of meat-eating on the environment as well as their own health. Compassionate living is being seen as the only way out of the mess humans have created over the years.