Blue Tribe Foods, the Mumbai-based alt meat startup, today announced its arrival in Hyderabad through its social media channels. The company, founded by Sandeep Singh and Nikki Arora Singh, has become synonymous with its plant-based chicken nuggets that are made from soy and pea extract.
In information provided to The Vegan Indians, Sohil Wazir, Chief Commercial Officer, Blue Tribe Foods, said that the company has launched its chicken nuggets in Hyderabad and will expand to other cities, including, Kochi, Chennai, Goa, Chandigarh and Ahmedabad in the near future.
Sharing other immediate plans, he said that Blue Tribe is soon planning to roll out plant-based keema and plant-based sausage in the market. The ‘Original Plant Based Chicken Keema’ can already be seen on the company’s website, and is going to be priced at ₹295.
Blue Tribe was set up in 2019, when it started working out of a lab in Mumbai in 2019. The company aims to replicate the characteristics of meat protein and fat using proteins extracted from plants such as soybean, peas, pulses, etc.
Blue Tribe’s plant-based chicken nugget is made up of a protein blend isolated from soybean and peas, as well as a fibre that helps give it a chicken meat-like texture. As per the company, its plant-based meat contains almost the same nutritional value as live meat, and is actually better because it is free of cholesterol, animal cruelty, and antibiotics.